Saturday, February 13, 2010

Come FLY with me!!!!!

I had a huge realization the other day! Since I got sick a couple of years ago, I have had a hard time keeping my house clean. It has been very frustrating. Lately I have been in a vicious cycle. I take a day or two and clean my house top to bottom. It is clean and I feel great, but at the same time I burn myself out. I spent so much time and energy getting put back together that then I didn't want to do anything. And with 3 young kids, a hubby, a dog, and a very small house, things very quickly get out of hand again. So I am not only frustrated that my house is a mess again, but I am also very discouraged that I could not keep it clean. I go in a downward spiral, until I hit my breaking point. The mess is too much for me to handle and I start the cycle all over again. If any of this sounds familiar, you know where I am coming from.

So I wanted to share something that I just found the other day. I stumbled over some notes I took several years ago at an MK event. In there was a website for an organizational website. I thought well what does it hurt to go take a look. I was shocked. I fell in love with the system that had been put in place to get your home and life out of chaos. Then and there I committed to myself to try this program for a month and see what can happen. The best part is that it is completely FREE!

So here is my challenge to you, whether your house is out of control, a little cluttered, or you think you have it covered, come join me on this 30 day adventure. There is always something for us to learn. Check it out at Then, enter your commitment on my facebook wall . We will use my wall as a daily accountability and source of encouragement. I am so excited to take this journey and I would love for you to come along with me! Are you in????


Rebecca said...

so I was blog surfing and found your blog and I have to say I LOVE flylady! I think it's such a great way to organize your housework and not get overwhelmed. And I love my shiny sink!